Bristol Meetups

Talk night #7: Prototyping & Rapid Application Development

It takes a lot of time and resources to build a mobile app - more than most people (especially clients!) imagine. It therefore makes a lot of sense to validate your idea quickly, with real users, to gain valuable feedback sooner rather than later.

Mobile prototyping is a very effective way of doing this. In this talk, we will explore mobile prototyping in more detail - what it is, why it is useful, and the processes you can follow to build a prototype.

We have a panel of 4 speakers who will spend 10-15 mins discussing their own experiences with prototyping, with a little time at the end for Q&A.



Kathryn Hegarty: Prototyping for portable devices and mobile users: talking about the techniques and considerations for testing apps and mobile websites with users, in terms of functionality and interaction design

Richard Loxley: How he used 'old-school pen-and-paper storyboarding combined with YouTube videos' to prototype his iOS app, Scuba Scavenger.

Gavin Davies: Discusses how he and his team prototyped and built a furniture surveying app using 'Cordova, Symfony2, a mish-mash of Agile techniques and some hand-hacked tools'.

Mike Rhodes: Discusses his experiences 'not doing any prototyping but still doing okay'.


Afterwards we'll tootle off to the pub to argue / discuss in more detail.

Thanks to Cloudant for hosting us! They have kindly arranged for free pizza and beer, along with a great location - less than 1 minute away from the fountains in the centre of town.

Please arrive promptly for a 7pm start - pizza will be delivered for then... hope to see you all there!