Bristol Meetups

September Meetup: Mobile app performance Best Practices & ⚡️ Lightning Talks ⚡️

This month's Meetup we're mixing things up a little.

First up we are delighted to be welcoming Doug Sillars, a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Web, author of High Performance Android Apps­ & former Principal Architect of Mobile App Performance at AT&T:

“Performance of Mobile Apps” A talk that goes over best practices, and shows examples of how improvements made mobile apps run better.

Next up we'll have a quick fire round of Lightning Talks.

- Kotcha! (Mez Pahlan)
This talk is aimed at Kotlin newbies that have a good understanding of Java but haven't yet dipped their toes in. It might also be useful for people that have started Kotlin but have hit a road block and yearn for the old days where being verbose was a good thing. It collects my experience as I convert two apps into Kotlin as part of the Kotlin Knights study groups.

- Trunk Based Development (Matthew Robbins)
What are the advantages from moving from feature branching to committing to master?

- FloFrame: a 'No code' mobile app development platform (Raman Mistry)

- Are we ‘Agile’ yet? (Sam Allen)

Finally we are really excited to be trying out a new venue this month at Framework on Kings Street. This is a brand new co-working and events space right in the heart of Bristol. It's directly opposite the Royal Navy Volunteer pub. For further information, see

If you would like to submit a talk suggestion for a future Meetup, please fill out the form at

Hope to see you soon,
Dave & the swmobile organisers