Bristol Meetups

September Meetup

For this months meetup, we're trying something a little bit different....

This months theme is 'Developing an app - A walk through the lifecycle' and as our guides we're lucky to have a collection of speakers who are skilled and experienced in the different stages of such a project.

We'll be hearing from:

- A Product Owner (Paul Tutton)
- A QA Lead (Shane Smart)
- An App Developer (Daniel Tull)
- A UX/UI Designer (Hannah Corke)

This month our group sponsors Cookpad are generously providing the venue, a delicious buffet from Papadeli and drinks. 

Our usual timetable below applies and after we'll be heading to a nearby pub (TBC) to continue the discussion and networking. 

• 18:00-18:15 - organisers/volunteers arrive
• 18:30 doors open
• 19:00 Intro by SWmobile organiser (thank sponsors, venue admin i.e toilets, fire exits)
• 19:10 First set of talks
• 19:30 10 min comfort break
• 19:40 Second set of talks 
• 20:00 5min comfort break
• 20:05 Q&A / Panel Discussion
• 20:30 finish up and head to the pub
• 20:40 Volunteers leave after helping tidy up

We look forward to seeing you there.