Bristol Meetups

Cross platforms - new kids on the block

This is our annual look in to the world of cross platform solutions for mobile apps. They promise allot but can they save development time and provide a similar experience to native apps.

We're going look at some of the new kids on the block as well as getting some commentary from the trenches of using cross platform in the real world. 4 concise talks on cross platform technologies and a QA panel discussion afterwards.

• Flutter, the good, bad and ugly

Dave Taylor - Android Lead at SOMO

• Moving from native to cross platform with Xamarin

Matthew Robbins - self taught, Junior Engineer at Audiogum, started with iOS/ objC.

• Quick intro to Doppl, Android centric code sharing based on J2objc

Scott Alexander-Bown, SWmobile founder, Android freelancer and remote working enthusiast. @scottyab (

• Panel discussion
The speaker plus other volunteers.

The usual timings, doors open at 18:30 around the time of the food, intro at 19:00 and aim to finish ~20:30 and be in pub/bar afterwards for 21:00.