Bristol Meetups

Are mobile cross platform tools ready to take on native?

Couple of years back we had a general talk on cross platform and experiences of Appcelerator and Conrona, but since then have any of these cross platform/compilers come of age and caught up with native development? 

Looking to gather some interest and entice some people to volunteer to share experiences both for and against. Tell us about a project where you or your team used a cross mobile platform technology such as PhoneGap, Appcelerator, Xamarin, mobile web + others, what worked? what was a pain? Looks for developer and PM perspectives. 

Also looking for people to share perspectives of clients? maybe you're a client and can't understand why native developers balk at the mention of cross platform, why can't you have your cake and eat it.


Ben Reed - Myth busting cross platform frameworks?

Gavin Bryan - Lessons learnt using Xamarin  

Ian Bound - I haz dun Xamarin

Tom Spencer - Writing mobile apps with JavaScript

Our friends at The Real Adventure  are kindly hosting us in their great space near Bristol Temple Meads. Finding us help. Note: we'll  be closing the RSVP 24hrs before had to give security a list of names.