Bristol Meetups

All about APIs

We're on the road this month, locating ourselves in the centre of Bath to chat about APIs: how to design, develop, document and consume them. Line-up:

Pragmatic API Design: or, don't be a RESTafarian

API design is as important as its implementation. Tom Spencer will discuss his experiences with designing JSON-based APIs and why flexibility and common sense is more important than sticking strictly to REST. 

Why documentation matters

An API is only as good as its documentation. Alex West discusses some of the tools out there for documenting your API so that developers will enjoy developing against your endpoints.

Show and tell: our experiences when building a cross-platform API

A brief discussion from Rick Chapman on his experiences building a cross-platform API for GameAnalytics.

Afterwards we will trundle off to the pub to chat some more about APIs, SDKs and anything else.

See you there!