Bristol Meetups

WordPress beyond The Wild West

We're trying something a little different this month – a joint night with the new and upcoming WordPress usergroup, Bristol WordPress People. Do check them out and join their group if you're interested in hearing more from them!

Using Twig and Symfony2 forms in WordPress
  Carl Hughes, Freelance Web Developer

Integrating a blog into your framework application using trickery, Varnish & ESI
  Steve Lacey, Ruby, PHP & Python Developer at Simpleweb

Hosting, PHP, Version Numbers and WordPress - an introduction & review
  Jenny Wong, Web Developer & Community Cheer Leader at Human Made



<a href="">


BaseKit have kindly offered to host the evening at their office, and as always we'll sort out some ales, lagers, soft drinks and snacks. Don't forget to check them out- and if you're looking, they are hiring.

Afterwards we'll head to Horts!


View on the PHPSW website