Bristol Meetups

Profiling & Benchmarking

In January we're hosting a night about Profiling & Benchmarking!

- Profiling your PHP application
  Michael Heap, Software Engineer at DataSift

So, you've been through and changed all your double quotes to single quotes but your application still isn't running at the speed of light. What's going on?  

Making an application scale is generally seen as something that only the most magical of developers can do, but it's easy once you have the correct tools. Fortunately for us, these tools are freely available online! 
In this talk, we'll take a look at a few options that we have available to work out what our application is actually doing, help identify bottlenecks and fix them so that we can move on to the more important part of the project: delivering features.

- Benchmarking in PHP and PHPBench
  Daniel Leech, Open source PHP developer involved in the Symfony CMF and is the developer of PHPBench

In this talk Daniel Leech will introduce benchmarking as it applies to PHP, discuss when it can be used and present a tool with which to do it, PHPBench.


MixRadio have kindly offered to host the evening at their office, and provide drinks and pizza. Don't forget to check them out- and if you're looking, they are hiring.

Afterwards we'll head to Small Bar!


View on the PHPSW website