Bristol Meetups

Migrating a ZF1 REST API to Silex + PHP-FIG & PSR

Last meetup of the year, okay, so we only had 1 other, but it's going to be a good one!

BaseKit have kindly offered to sponsor the event and provide their office as the venue, as well as beer and pizza! Don't forget to check them out- and if you're looking, they are hiring.

Doors open at 6.30pm. Talks will start after 7pm.


- How we migrated a ZF1 REST API to Silex - Ade
- You? (get in touch)

Next year

We're hoping to get more than 2 talk nights together next year, as always we're keen to get new speakers onboard and welcome sponsorship in the form of beer, pizza and venue's - if you're hiring PHP developers, or just want to engage, it's a great opportunity to get involved with the community.

If you're interested in hearing about or speaking on any topics in particular, do get in touch or start a thread on the discussion board, Ade & I have some rough ideas surrounding topic nights we'd like to run - but we're always looking for speakers to get in the loop and what you want to hear about.