Bristol Meetups

Git & Open Source

In November we're hosting a night about Git and Open Source!

- Comic book continuity and Git rebase
  Gavin Davies, Software Developer at Radify and author of Deal With It: Attitude for Coders

When helping companies improve their development practises, git rebase is one common sticking point - it can be hard to understand, and a lot of people are initially pretty scared of it. In this talk, I’m not going to give any code examples - there are thousands of talks that do that. Instead, I will illustrate the concept of git rebase using the world of comic book continuity.

- Open Source Communities as Fandoms
  Jessica Rose, Technologist and enthusiasm enthusiast

How is Docker like Doctor Who? They’re both projects supported by an incredibly motivated community. This talk will look at the ways in which open source communities parallel fandoms as they form, grow, break off into factions and interact with their fans and critics. As we learn more about our own communities by looking at our equally-obsessed geeky peers we’ll hopefully discover ways that we can help make our open source communities more equitable, accessible and…well…open!


MixRadio have kindly offered to host the evening at their office, and provide drinks and pizza. Don't forget to check them out- and if you're looking, they are hiring.

Afterwards we'll head to Small Bar!


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