Bristol Meetups

Privacy not Prism - Challenging GCHQ in the European courts

Following the Snowden revelations on GCHQ’s role in Prism, Open Rights Group, Big Brother Watch, English PEN and Constanze Kurz are challenging the UK government at the European Court of Human Rights.

The European Court has completed its preliminary examination of the case and has asked the British Government to justify how GCHQ’s practices and the current system of oversight comply with the right to privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention. 

The court has also given the case a rare priority designation. The British government now has until 2 May to respond, after which the case will move into the final stages before judgement. 

Join ORG Bristol as we hear from Dan Carey, the solicitor for the application as he explains what the challenge hopes to achieve and how it will progress from here.

We'll also be hearing about the Don't Spy On Us campaign from ORG's Policy Director, Javier Ruiz, as we ask the public to sign our 6 key principles on mass surveillance.

The event will provide a fun and informal way to meet with other local ORG supporters, as well as an opportunity to learn about mass surveillance, so we hope to see you all there.