Bristol Meetups

Lightning Talks!

We are excited to host our first lightning talks evening, featuring a bunch of exciting talks from our amazing community members!

Talks confirmed so far:

Social Sentiment Analysis with Dan Jones
We Are Neurodiverse with Sam Downie
Tekton: Kubernetes Native CI/CD Pipelines with Aled James
Telepresence for Integration Testing with Ben King
Sprinkle some Fusion on your Data with Mandy Bailey

There is still space if you'd like to join in! Talks can feature any Google topic: Android, Cloud, ML/AI, Data, Flutter, Tensorflow, app dev, you name it! Talks should be 5-10 minutes long and can take any format. You don't need shiny slides if you don't want them, just have something interesting to tell us about in a friendly, welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

Please submit your talks here: