Bristol Meetups

SAFE Stack Workshop - Anthony Brown

How do you take your knowledge of F# from “Hello world” to an F# web application running in the cloud? This workshop shows you how! We’ll start with building a web service using Saturn, a functional web framework which lets you write idiomatic F# web services running on top of ASP.NET Core. After that we’ll go onto build a web application running in the web browser, written in F# and compiled over to JavaScript with the Fable compiler. We’ll also then deploy it up into the cloud with Azure.

This workshop will expose you to all elements of the SAFE stack and the F# development ecosystem, allowing you to build full stack cloud ready web applications entirely in F#. You’ll get to see:
Web services with Saturn
Deployment to the cloud with Azure
F# in the browser with Fable
Functional UI design with the Elmish architecture

If you want to attend this workshop you’ll need a few things:
A laptop running macOS, Linux or Windows
An F# editor such as VS Code with Ionide, Rider or VS2017
A .NET core installation
If you’re on macOS or Linux, you’ll also need Mono installed to run some of the tooling