Bristol Meetups

Edward Nutting - FlingOS™: Using C# for an operating system

A Christmas special meet up to talk about something truly incredible. A working OS written in C#. The meet up is taking place up at the university so be sure to check the map! It should be a really fascinating talk!

Feel free to bring Beer and we will head to a pub after the talk :)

--- TALK --- 

Topic: FlingOS™: Using C# for an operating system

Description: FlingOS is an unusual operating system - we use C#. In this talk I'll explain why we chose C#; how it can be more effective for teaching than traditional approaches and I'll walk you through some of our code, including bits our compiler, debugger and main kernel.

Bio: Edward Nutting is a second year Computer Science and Electronics student at the University of Bristol and founder of FlingOS™ - an educational operating system. Ed has 10 years of experience in programming and education, including teaching at all levels from primary to university. He brings to the table a broad range of knowledge and depth of experience, but with recent emphasis on low level and OS development.