Bristol Meetups

Silence & the Art of Listening by Ajara + Ghost by Dave

Silence & the Art of Listening by Ajara

Silence is such a rare occasion that we often don’t know what do with it when it occurs. We have probably all experienced moments when a conversation or a meeting room full of people suddenly goes quiet. This can be a precious moment - sharing silence creates more space and connects us. But most of the times we soon start to feel uncomfortable. The stillness seems to get louder – silence is ringing in our ears. A strong urge arises to fill the void with words.

Being comfortable with silence in any meeting, interview or client brief is an expert collaborative behaviour. It helps developing and deepening our listening skills which will lead to a more effective way of communication. Knowing when to be quiet also opens up space for quieter people in the team.

About Ajara

As a freelance multidisciplinary Web Craftswoman Ajara is collaborating with businesses of all sizes to support growth and expansion.

Having spent many years in India meditating, the practice of silence, presence and listening is an integral part of her work.

Opening silent spaces and sharing them with others brings her quiet joy.

Ghost - The most popular headless Node.js CMS for professional publishing

Dave, a Developer Advocate at Ghost, will be showing the various ways in which Ghost can bring a rich content editing experience to your next web project, whether it’s a modern JAMstack site or a large web application


Huge thank you to our sponsors Novate IT, SR2, Travel Local & Immersive labs.

Also our amazing hosts SR2 who will be supplying our space, food and drinks!

Video Recording Sponsored by Pusher

You can view previous event talks and more by visiting the Pusher App YouTube channel!

Pusher is a hosted service with APIs, developer tools and open source libraries that greatly simplify integrating real-time functionality into web and mobile applications.

Pusher will automatically scale when required, removing all the pain of setting up and maintaining a secure, real-time infrastructure.

Pusher is already trusted to do so by thousands of developers and companies like GitHub, MailChimp, the Financial Times, Buffer and many more.

Getting started takes just a few seconds: simply go to and create a free account. Happy hacking!