Bristol Meetups

JS Workshop

Only standby tickets left





09.30    Doors open

10.00    Node: The game changer with Jack Franklin

11.00 Break

11.30    Modules with NicoBurns

12.30 Lunch

13.30 with Mark Withers

15.00 Break

15.30    XMPP with Lloyd Watkin

17.00    Refactoring with Jack Franklin

18.00    Pub.js



09.30    Doors open

10.00    CoffeeScript #1 with Adam Butler

11.00 Break

11.30    CoffeeScript #2 with Adam Butler

12.30 Lunch

13.30    Angular.js with Maff Rigby

15.00 Break

15.30    Leap with Dave Taylor

17.00    Fin!