Bristol Meetups

Shaun Dunne - WebXR / Susan Thomson - Online Voting

/ Shaun Dunne: WebXR - Building the Open Metaverse

The web as a platform is also shifting to a place beyond the browser. WebVR, WebAR, Chatbots and AI are here. Lets discover how and why they need to remain open and not wrapped up in an app store. In this talk, Shaun will take a look at the current state of the immersive web, some of the applications, some of the popular tools and some great live demos.

/ About Shaun

VR Nerd, Open Web enthusiast and Father of two. Shaun loves programming in all it’s forms and have a penchant for sharing knowledge. Shaun is now a freelance developer and diving deeper into the future of the immersive web.

/ Susan Thomson: Why can't we vote online?

You picked up your phone and voted for Ed Balls on Strictly, so why can't you do the same in a general election? This talk will explore some of the challenges surrounding online voting, and how cryptography can help.

/ About Susan

Susan is a developer at bespoke software consultancy Scott Logic and has a PhD in Information Security from Royal Holloway. As an intern at Inria (Paris) she investigated the security of the Helios electronic voting system.