Bristol Meetups

"Scrum AND Kano" - a workshop with Nigel Baker

Kano Analysis is a powerful and enlightening tool for Product Owners to identify which features enhance and which subtract from that most crucial of factors - Customer Satisfaction. It is my favourite prioritisation method by far.

But have you ever thought of applying Kano TO Scrum? Which parts of Scrum are exciting? Which are mandatory? What about Kanban? What about XP? In this workshop we will go all "meta" and apply the Kano technique to the famous Agile methods, and see what results come out!

Who is Nigel Baker?

Nigel is a Certified Scrum Trainer – one of only 4 in the UK.

He has been working with Agile techniques his entire twelve year IT and managerial career and was one of the Lead Agile Consultants for BT – Currently undergoing the largest Agile transformation in the world.

Nigel’s background includes being a Developer in traditional and Scrum teams before moving into Project Manager and ScrumMaster roles on many projects across the IT sector.

Nigel has been coaching and training Scrum and Agile techniques for the last 8 years and is regarded as one of the leading experts in training in this industry.

You can follow Nigel on Twitter.