Bristol Meetups

Game of Sprints - Kevlin Henney

Game Of Sprints

If software development is a co-operative game, as Alistair Cockburn observed, then what kind of game is Scrum? Lots of people are playing it — or say they are — but there seems to be some disagreement about what the point of the game is, how to play it and even, in many cases, what the rules are. This talk looks at Scrum and other agile approaches through the lens of nomic games, hypothesis-driven development and fun.

Kevlin is an independent consultant, speaker, writer and trainer. His development interests are in patterns, programming, practice and process.

He has been a columnist for various magazines and websites. He is co-author of ‘A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing’ and ‘On Patterns and Pattern Languages’, 2 volumes in the ‘Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture’ series, and editor of ‘97 Things Every Programmer Should Know’.

You'll find him as @KevlinHenney and in his own space.