Bristol Meetups

Fail Amnesty

Apologies for the short notice of this month's meeting. We tried hard to line up a speaker this month, but things did not quite work out. We do have a couple of great speakers in the pipeline for the next few months, and will aim to be better at sharing what's happening in future.

But we feel that the Agile Bath & Bristol community believes in transparency and learning, so in that spirit, this month we're holding a Fail Amnesty. Share your mistakes so other people don't make them.

What we’ll do: Introductions / Share stories / Q&A, discussion / Wrap up. Whether it relates to teams, tech, projects or organisations, please come along to share a story of failure and the valuable lessons you learned. Send a message to the event organiser before the event if you have a story to share. Or just come along, this is an informal session so there should be opportunity to share on the night.