Bristol Meetups

Short Range C++

With the ACCU Conference approaching in April (see for full details), we welcome Steve Love who will be presenting a short version of his conference session. Come along for a preview of the conference!

The C++ language is on the cusp of a new version, and it provides a variety of opportunities for programmers to write neater, terser, easier, and yes, simpler code. It still comes with the (more than) 15 year-old standard library, however, which no longer looks like the fantastic example of abstraction and good-practice it once might have.

This talk is about why I think it's time for us to move on from what's commonly referred to as the "STL", and embrace some of the things our neighbours have been doing.

About our speaker:

Steve Love is a programmer with a strong sense that it shouldn't be this difficult. He's currently the features editor of C Vu and can be reached at [masked].