Bristol Meetups

Jon Chesterfield on Compile Time

We are pleased to have Jon Chesterfield with us, who will be giving us a talk that he orginally intended to deliver in July, but for illness rearing its ugly head.

Therefore, please do feel free to join us for an evening of fun and what's likely to be some good discussion as well, as Jon takes us through Compile Time programming.

Talk Synopsis:

Compile time programming is the most powerful optimisation available to software engineers. I suspect it is underused.

To a C++ dev, compile time programming means templates and constexpr. To a python or javascript dev, compile time is at risk of being totally ignored. Some languages conflate it with type checking. While these are valid subsets of compile time, they hardly justify my opening claim.

I intend to draw on examples from my work, my play and the wider world to show that compile time can be used for much more than this. In keeping with the current not-just-C++ leaning of the ACCU, I'll try to ensure that your favourite language is represented.