Bristol Meetups

Cell objects in Object Oriented Programming

We are very pleased to have Huw Lloyd who has kindly volunteered to give a talk on Cell objects in Object Oriented Programming.

Post talk, we'll be de-camping to the Brewdog for some beers.

Also, thanks to JetBrains, who have agreed to sponsor the group for the next six months, we have a JetBrains year long licence for any one of their products to raffle off.  

Talk synopsis: One of the difficult areas with respect to programming is discerning the line between the units of system function semantics (codification of business logic and concepts) and the elements of the program (pointers, threads, loops, templates, resource handling etc).  Cell-like objects demonstrate a way to explicitly encode unitary concepts.  Done well, these formulations can express (insightfully) the orientation of the programmer towards the problem domain, reinvesting the term 'object-orientation' with an interest in modelling problems that reside in world outside the computer, which has dramatic consequences for software effectiveness.

Speaker Bio:  "I'm interested in how we know, how we develop and learn, how we express knowledge, and how to facilitate environments that support this to build great software products.Presently, I am developing a tablet application for children's handwriting practice (C++, Qt), writing of papers in relation to Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and programming, and providing client services (contracts, designing and presenting course material)."